
Important information for current and prospective members.

Interested in joining CAPRI?

CAPRI is a leading alliance of pediatric rheumatology investigators in Canada, dedicated to advancing research and collaboration in the field. Our membership comprises esteemed academic, research, and medical professionals who are committed to improving the lives of children affected by rheumatic diseases. By joining CAPRI, you gain access to a vibrant community of experts, collaborative opportunities, and valuable resources that empower you to make a significant impact in pediatric rheumatology. Together, we can drive innovation, shape the future of research, and enhance patient care nationwide.

Why join CAPRI?
  • Collaborate with rheumatologists and scientists who share a passion for discovery in rheumatic disease .
  • Work with colleagues to develop research ideas that lead to multicenter studies.
  • Access and leverage a robust dataset from multicenter CAPRI research to propose new sub-studies.
  • Receive feedback and approval on proposed projects from the CAPRI Scientific Protocol Evaluation Committee (SPEC).
  • Provide your patients and their families with the opportunity to participate in research.
  • Attend the Annual Scientific Meeting to review studies and contribute new ideas.
  • Join writing teams for grants and publications.
  • Enhance career development through leadership opportunities on the CAPRI Executive and subcommittees.
  • Receive support for travel to the CAPRI scientific meeting (based on funding availability).
  • Access mentorship from established researchers for trainees or early investigators.
Who is eligible?

CAPRI membership is open to all adult and pediatric rheumatologists (including trainees) in Canada, and to allied health professionals, researchers and research staff involved in pediatric rheumatology research.

Information for current members:

Key contact:

For any questions regarding membership, renewals, or payment of dues, please contact

Paying your dues:

CAPRI membership fees must be paid annually. Annual membership fee is $100.00. Payment can be made by cheque, draft or money order.

To renew your membership and pay annual dues:

  1. Complete the CAPRI membership form (be sure to check the box “Renewal Application”). 
  2. Return completed form to:
  3. Send payment by cheque, draft or money order (payable to “Kim Morishita”) to:

     Pediatric Rheumatology – Kimberly Morishita
     K4-115 4480 Oak Street
     Vancouver, BC V6H 3V4

Download the form (PDF)

Find CAPRI members.

Use the CAPRI member directory to find other members by name, province and institution.
